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2019/20 I. félév
Árpád tér 2. II. em. 220. sz.
15:15 16:00
László Tóth
Can Stack Overflow preserve its professionalism? About the closing debate from the viewpoint of a researcher

Closing a question on a community question answering forum such as Stack Overflow is a highly divisive event. On one hand, moderation is of crucial importance in maintaining the content quality indispensable for the future sustainability of the site. On the other hand, details about the closing reason might frequently appear blurred to the user, which leads to debates and occasional negative behavior in answers or comments. With the aim of helping the users compose good quality questions, we introduce a set of classifiers for the categorization of Stack Overflow posts prior to their actual submission. Our work has aimed both the classifying the questions based on their quality and their possible future faith, such as closing it or not. We have obtained the accuracy above the 71% for binary classifiers, and we have also investigated multi-class classification to figure out the possible closing reasons.