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Markov random fields in image segmentation. Hanover, NH: Now Publishers; 2012.
Számítógépes látás. Budapest: Typotex Kiadó; 2011.
MIPPR 2009: Multispectral Image Acquisition and Processing. Vol 7494. Udupa JK, Sang N, Nyúl LGábor, Tong H, editors. Bellingham; Washington: SPIE; 2009.
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhauser; 2007.
Collaborative Mobile 3D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes. In: Chen C-S, Kankanhall M, Lai S-H, Hwee J, editors. Proceedings of the ACCV Workshop on Intelligent Mobile and Egocentric Vision (ACCV-IMEV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Singapore: Springer; 2015. 1. p. 1-16p.
Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Subiteration-Based Surface-Thinning Algorithms. In: Barneva RP, Bhattacharya B.B, Brimkov VE, editors. Proceedings of Combinatorial Image Analysis: 17th International Workshop, IWCIA 2015. Vol 9448. Calcutta, India: Springer; 2015. 3. p. 31-45p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 9448).
3D Reconstruction of Planar Surface Patches: A Direct Solution. In: Zhang J, Bennamoun M, Porikli F, editors. Proceedings of the ACCV Workshop on Big Data in 3D Computer Vision (ACCV-BigData3DCV). Singapore, Szingapúr: Springer; 2014. 1. p. 1-8p. .
QR Code Localization Using Boosted Cascade of Weak Classifiers. In: Kamel M, Campilho A, editors. Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR). Vilamura, Portugal: Springer-Verlag; 2014. (LNCS).
Smoothing Filters in the DART Algorithm. In: Barneva RP, Brimkov VE, Šlapal J, editors. Combinatorial Image Analysis. May 2014, Brno, Czech Republic: Springer; 2014. 2. p. 224-237p.