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Publications of Kálmán Palágyi
Topology-preserving hexagonal thinning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS. 2013;90(8):1607-1617.
Parallel 3D 12-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms Based on Isthmuses. In: Bebis G, editor. Advances in Visual Computing. Heidelberg; New York: Springer Verlag; 2013. 8. p. 87-98p. (LNCS).
Sufficient Conditions for Topology Preserving Additions and General Operators. In: Linsen L, editor. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM). Calgary: IASTED - Acta Press; 2013. 1. p. 107-114p.
Deletion Rules for Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Reductions. In: Ruiz-Shulcloper J, Sanniti di Baja G, editors. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer; 2013. 1. p. 17-24p. (LNCS).
Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science. ACTA CYBERNETICA-SZEGED. 2013;21(1):1-3.
Parallel Thinning on the Triangular Grid. In: Baranyi P, editor. International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom). Budapest: IEEE; 2013. 2. p. 277-282p.
Parallel Thinning Based on Isthmuses. In: Czúni L, editor. A Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társaságának konferenciája - KÉPAF 2013. Veszprém: NJSZT-KÉPAF; 2013. 5. p. 512-525p.
Binary image reconstruction from two projections and skeletal information. In: Barneva RP, Brimkov VE, Aggarwal JK, editors. Combinatorial Image Analysis. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; London; Paris; Tokyo: Springer Verlag; 2012. 2. p. 263-273p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Solving binary tomography from morphological skeleton via optimization. In: Veszprém Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL). Veszprém: University of Pannonia; 2012. 4. 42.
Isthmus-based Order-Independent Sequential Thinning. In: Petrou M, Sappa AD, Triantafyllidis A G, editors. IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (SSPRA). Crete, Greek: IASTED ACTA Press; 2012. 2. p. 28-34p.