Jelenlegi hely

SzOTE KIL (László Almási, Zoltán Nemessányi)
Gamma Works (Ádám Billing, Béla Kári)
SUPER-SEGAMS is the improvement of SEGAMS-80. It is possible to create user programs for the system in FORTRAN.
During the rapid motion of the heart the central vascular system cannot be imaged directly due to the low signal-to-noise ratio. Using the ECG-gated acquisition technique each heart cycle can be divided into n intervals of the same length and then by summing images taken at the same phase of the heart cycle it is possible to produce images of a representative heart cycle. Images obtained by summing data from several hundreds of cycles have acceptable signal-to-noise ratio and with such images the pumping function of the heart can be well studied. SUPER-SEGAMS allows performing ECG-gated heart studies also, for which an ECG had to be fitted to the system.
SUPER-SEGAMS also includes the program system – as an experimental feature – that allows performing SPECT studies.

ECG gated heart study

LV: Left Ventricle, BG: Background

Regional blood volume
Sum image with ROIs, time/activity curves

Left ventricular wall motion
Left: normal case, right: reduced left ventricular wall motion

Phase and amplitude analysis
Left: normal case, right: patient with apical aneurysm
Image parts top left: amplitude, top right: phase, bottom left: sum image, bottom right: phase histogram
László Csernay, János Csirik, Árpád Makay, Eörs Máté: SUPER-SEGAMS handbook (1982) 1-256
Attila Kuba: Emission computed tomography Compact News in Nuclear Medicine 15 (1984) 174-178
Attila Kuba, H. Feistel, J. Mahlstedt, F. Wolf: New method to present ECT images Compact News in Nuclear Medicine 15 (1984) 174-178
Attila Kuba, H. Feistel, J. Mahlstedt, F. Wolf: 3D ROI techniques in SPECT, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 9 (1984) A130
László Pávics, László Csernay, János Mester, Lóránt Fráter, Miklós Csanády, Tibor Gaál, Károly Szász, Mária Rajtár, Edit Ádám, Tamás Foster, Gábor Kovács: Comperison of non-invasive investigative methods int he diagnosis of left ventricular aneurisms Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 9 (1984) 72
János Mester, Eörs Máté, László Pávics, György Marosi, László Csernay: Nachweis von akzessorischen Leitungsbahnen mittels Phasendisplayverfahren bei WPW-Patienten Acta Medica Austriaca, 11 (1984) 178
János Mester, László Csernay, György Marosi, L Regös, Eörs Máté, I Préda, György Kozmann, Zoltán Antalóczy: Value of the phase display method for detection of ventricular preexcitation in patients with WPW syndrome Eur. J. Nucl. Med., 9 (1984) 89
János Mester, László Almási, Eörs Máté, Zoltán Nemessányi, Mária Rajtár: Automatische Auswertung von Nierenfuntionsuntersuchungen. Acta Med Austriaca, 11 (1984) 29
László Csernay, János Mester, László Pávics, Mária Rajtár, György Marosi, Eörs Máté: Anwendung der Phasenbilder zur Untersuchung von Reizleistungsstörungen. 21. Int Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, Ulm (1984) 215
József Bódis, Katalin Zámbó, Zoltán Nemessányi, Eörs Máté, IF Csaba: New radioisotope method for the investigation of uteroplacental blood flow. Nuklearmedizin (1984) 275-281
János Mester, Eörs Máté, L. Regős, György Marosi, Zoltán Antalóczy, László Csernay: Aussagekraft des Phasendisplayverfahrens zum Nachweis des WPW-Syndroms. Nuc Compact, 16 (1985) 13-22
József Bódis, Katalin Zámbó, Zoltán Nemessányi, Eörs Máté, IF Csaba: Application of the parametric scan in the investigation of uteroplacental blood flow. Eur J Nucl Med, 10 (1985) 286-287
József Bódis, Katalin Zámbó, Zoltán Nemessányi, Eörs Máté, IF Csaba: Determination of the intervillous perfusion index in pregnancies with intrauterine growth retardation. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 19 (1985) 89-91
János Mester, I Préda, György Kozmann, Eörs Máté, L Regős, K Tóth, György Marosi, Zoltán Antalóczy, László Csernay: Detection and localisation of ventricular preexcitation in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (comparative study with body surface mapping). Nucl Med Commun, 7 (1986), 497-504
János Mester, I Préda, György Kozmann, Eörs Máté, L Regős, K Tóth, György Marosi, Zoltán Antalóczy, László Csernay: Detection and localisation of ventricular preexcitation in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. European Nuclear Medicine Congress, Goslar, Nuklearmedizin (1986), 109 (abstract)
I Préda, János Mester, Zoltán Antalóczy, György Kozmann, J Mertz, L Regős, Eörs Máté, György Marosi, László Csernay: Comparison of body surface mapping and phase display methods to localise bypass pathways in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Electocardiographic Body Surface Mapping, Amsterdam, (1986), 99 (abstract)
Eörs Máté, Attila Kuba, László Csernay: Application of reciprocal matrices in SPECT. European Nuclear Medicine Congress, Budapest, 1987, Nuklearmedizin, (1988) 37-40
László Csernay, László Pávics, Tamás Dóczi, Attila Kuba, Jenő Láng, Mihály Bodosi: Preliminary data of human brain examinations with Hungarian single photon emission computer tomograph system (SPECT) Scientific Meeting, Portoroz (1988) 174-175
Árpád Makay, Attila Kuba, Eörs Máté, Marianna Dudásné Nagy: Sotware system for nulcear medicine data processing Symp. on Programming Languages and Software Tools, Szeged (1989) 104-107
Eörs Máté, Malte Clausen, Rolf Weller, E Henze, WE Adam: Die Quantifizierung der Kamerainhomogenitaet unter Berücksichtigung der Poisson-Statistik der Flood Matrix. Nuklearmedizin, 86 (1989), 31 (abstract)
Eörs Máté, Malte Clausen, E Henze, R Lietzenmayer, H Seibold, WE Adam: Tracheale Funktionsszintigraphie mit Quantifizierung des mucociliaeren Transportes im "kondensierten Bild". Nuklearmedizin, 86 (1989), (abstract)