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Projects of Péter Balázs
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that propagate in the inclusion, a specific niche inside the host cell. We developed an automatic inclusion counting system based on a commercially available DNA chip scanner. Fluorescently labeled inclusions are detected by the scanner, and the image is processed by ChlamyCount, a custom plugin of the ImageJ software environment.
The aim of this project is to improve the well-known methods of continuous and discrete tomography. We study image processing methods that can be applied directly on the projections to improve reconstruction quality. We improve techniques to measure the quality of the reconstructed images, and develop image reconstruction methods based on parallel processing using GPUs. We also investigate which are the most valuable projections, if the reconstruction is performed from just a few of them.
We apply and evaluate machine learning methods to obtain information purely from the tomographic projections of an image. We design and implement discrete tomographic reconstruction methods that can exploit the knowledge obtained in this way.
The goal of the project is to develop efficient image reconstruction methods to gain visual information from incorrect, noisy, uncertain projections. We also investigate how structural or geometrical prior information can facilitate an improve the reconstruction if the number of projections is insufficent to get a unique and exact reconstruction.
New approaches in Discrete Tomography are investigated. Studies are concentrating on absorbed projections, fan-beam geometry, new geometrical properties of discrete sets. Besides, new application fields (such as neutron radiography) are studied.
Theoretical aspects of main problems in Discrete Tomography are studied such as existence, consistency, and reconstruction under several assumptions. Efficient reconstruction algorithms are also developed by incorporating prior knowledge into the reconstruction.