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Method and system for automatically segmenting organs from three dimensional computed tomography images. Vol US20050907690. Amerikai Egyesült Államok; 2009.
MIPPR 2009: Multispectral Image Acquisition and Processing. Vol 7494. Udupa JK, Sang N, Nyúl LGábor, Tong H, editors. Bellingham; Washington: SPIE; 2009.
Multimodal Automated Glaucoma Detection Combining the Glaucoma Probability Score and the Glaucoma Risk Index. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2009;50(5):324.
Nonlinear registration of binary shapes. In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Cairo, Egypt: IEEE; 2009. 1. p. 1101-1104p.
Object subsampling strategies to improve computational performance. In: Zinterhof P, Lončarić S, Uhl A, Carini A, editors. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. Salzburg: IEEE Press; 2009. 4. p. 448-453p.
An order-independent sequential thinning algorithm. In: Wiederhold P, Barneva RP, editors. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA). Playa del Carmen, Mexico: Springer Verlag; 2009. 1. p. 162-175p.
Reconstruction of canonical hv-convex discrete sets from horizontal and vertical projections. In: Wiederhold P, Barneva RP, editors. Combinatorial Image Analysis. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; London; Paris; Tokyo: Springer Verlag; 2009. 2. p. 280-288p.
Recovering affine deformations of fuzzy shapes. In: Salberg A-B, Hardeberg JYngve, Jenssen R, editors. Image Analysis. Oslo, Norway: Springer-Verlag; 2009. 7. p. 735-744p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Retinal image analysis for automated glaucoma risk evaluation. In: Liu J, Doi K, Fenster A, Chan C S, editors. MIPPR 2009: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques. Bellingham; Washington: SPIE; 2009. 7. p. 74971C-1p. - p. 74971C-9p.
Semi-automatic bone fracture reduction in surgical planning. In: International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). Vol 4. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag; 2009. S. p. S98-S99p.
VCP volar approach.; 2009.
A 3D fully parallel surface-thinning algorithm. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):119-135.
Algorithms, automata, complexity and games Preface. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):1.
On the ambiguity of reconstructing hv-convex binary matrices with decomposable configurations. ACTA CYBERNETICA-SZEGED. 2008;18(3):367-377.
Automated Glaucoma Detection From Color Fundus Photographs. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2008;49(5):1863.
Binary image registration using covariant gaussian densities. In: Campilho A, editor. Image Analysis and Recognition. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal: Springer; 2008. 4. p. 455-464p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Comparison Radiography and Tomography Possibilities of FRM-II (20 MW) and Budapest (10 MW) Research Reactor. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 1. p. 18-27p.
Decision trees in binary tomography for supporting the reconstruction of hv-convex connected images. In: Proceedings of the Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems. Vol 5259. Juan-les-Pins, France: Springer; 2008. 4. p. 433-443p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 5259).
Determination of geometric features of binary images from their projections by using decision trees. In: Palágyi K, Bánhelyi B, Gergely T, Matievics I, editors. Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science. Volume of Extended Abstracts. Szeged, Hungary: University of Szeged; 2008. 2. 26.
Discrete tomographic reconstruction of binary images with disjoint components using shape information. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHAPE MODELLING. 2008;14(2):189-207.
The Erlanger Glaucoma Matrix - A Visualization Approach Towards Optimal Glaucomatous Optic Nerve Head Image Presentation. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2008;49(5):1893.
Finite element analysis of mandible virtual model. JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. 2008;36(Suppl 1):S204.
A framework for generating some discrete sets with disjoint components by using uniform distributions. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):15-23.
Geometrical model-based segmentation of the organs of sight on CT images. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 2008;35(2):735-743.