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Information for Authors
Acta Cybernetica publishes only original papers in the field of Computer Science. Manuscripts must be written in good English.
Concurrent Submission
Contributions are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published elsewhere. Papers previously published in conference proceedings, digests, preprints are eligible for consideration provided that the author informs the Editor at the time of submission and that the papers have undergone substantial revision. If authors have used their own previously published material as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very clearly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel or different contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s).
Manuscript Formatting Requirements
All submissions must include a title page with the following elements:
- title of the paper
- author name(s) and affiliation
- name, address and email of the corresponding author
- An abstract clearly stating the nature and significance of the paper. Abstracts must not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references.
References should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, with items in alphabetical order referred to by numerals in square brackets. Please prepare your submission as one single PostScript or PDF file including all elements of the manuscript (title page, main text, illustrations, bibliography, etc.).
It is advisable to prepare the manuscript following the guidelines described in the author kit even at this early stage.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be submitted online by making a new submission. You can also revise your pending submissions.
Review Process
Each submission is peer-reviewed by at least two referees. The length of the review process depends on many factors: the availability of an Editor and the time it takes to locate qualified reviewers. Usually, a review process takes 6 months to be completed.
Final Submission
When your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to upload the complete electronic version of your manuscript. For technical reasons, we can only accept files in LaTeX format. When preparing the manuscript, please follow the guidelines described in the author kit. Also include the PDF version of your manuscript. All materials must be compressed into one ZIP file.
Authors may also be asked to send the original drawings or computer outputs of figures appearing in the paper. In order to make a photographic reproduction possible, drawings of such figures should be on separate sheets, in India ink, and carefully lettered. Please note that the quality and accuracy of the content of the electronic materials submitted is also crucial since the content is not recreated, but converted into the final published version!
In order to avoid delays in the publication process, authors are required to submit their final publication materials by the due date given in the acceptance letter.
Author Kit for Manuscript Preparation
Please follow the following guidelines when preparing the manuscript:
Download author kit: [zip]
Last modified: 6 February 2021
Page Charges and Reprints
There are no page charges. An electronic version of the puplished paper is provided for the authors in PDF format.