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Events of Department of Image Processing and Computer Graphics
Our department co-organizes every year the Summer School in Image Processing with the Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, University College London.
Our department organized the following conferences and events:
The Week of Digital Technology in Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra
More than thousand visitors have been interested in the novelty of digital technology in the Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra. The Week of Digital Technology have been organized by the John von Neumann Computer Society. Some researchers of our Institute have been also gave some presentations in interesting topics. The article about the event is available in the following website in Hungarian.
2019-04-12 |
V. Innovative Informatics Competition in Szeged for high school students
The Institute of Informatics organized the Innovative Informatics Competition in Szeged for high school students. This event is already the fifth in the serie, There increasing interest for our event and submitted works have even better quality then in the earlier years. Some colleagues of our department took part in Program committee as well. The event homepage is available only in Hungarian.
2019-04-05 |
Lectures in talent camp of SZTE Móra Ferenc Szakkollégium
The SZTE Móra Ferenc Szakkollégium organized a talent camp betweenn a August 1-4, 2017. Our colleagues, Gergely Vadai, Gábor Németh, and László Varga gave some interesting talks for the students. On the last day, the student visited us in the lab, and we presented our robots, PLC controlled assemby line, special lenses and cameras, and 3D scanner. We thank for the organizers the invitation, for our colleagues help, and the interest for the attandants. 2017-08-01 |
Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP) 2016
The Summer School on Image Processing was held between July 7 and July 16, 2016, in Szeged, Hungary. SSIP is organized annually for graduate and PhD students interested in image processing. Students and teachers were invited to participate from all over the world. The students solved complex image processing problems in teams within a week. The best teams have been awarded by the committee. 2016-07-07 |
Learners came to our Image Processing Lab
Children are interested in Informatics and technical development already in their early age. The learners of Szent István Általános Iskola from Hódmezővásárhely visited us on June 6. 2016. During our presentation they learned that the computer is not only good for playing games and the camera can be used for visual measures. Furthermore, with the help of 3D cameras and scanners we can capture our environment for 3D graphical models. 2016-06-06 |
Girls' Day at University of Szeged
The Girls' day is a professional event in Hungary. The aim of it to introduce some technical professions during presentations and workshops where women can be as success as men. Please visit our websites below to show how our Institute prepared for this event. 2016-04-28 |
Workshop on Large-Scale Tomography
Workshop on Large-Scale Tomography is organized by University of Szeged, Hungary between 25-27 January 2016. The conference is part of the activities of the EU COST Action MP1207: Enhanced X-ray Tomographic Reconstruction: Experiment, Modeling, and Algorithms. 2016-01-25 |
COSCH Training School on Heterogeneous visual data fusion techniques - acquisition and algorithms
Members of our department organized a training school for attendents who are interested in computer vision. During the lectures and demos the participants learned practical techniques for 3-dimesional image aquisition and 3D point cloud processing. 2015-12-07 |
Innovative Informatics Competition of Szeged for High School Students - SZIIV 2015
The Department of Informatics organized a national competiton for talent high school students who are interested in Infromatics. We called projects for two sections: the projects for technical informatics required building hardver and software development, while in the Informatics section the software development played the main role. The best works have been awarded. Our aim was that the schools have also been awarded not just the students, helping the talent spotting for winner schools. The event has been held in Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra. 2015-10-16 |
Researchers' Night 2015 - Computer, that sees through you!
The Department of Image Processing and Computer Graphics prepared for Researchers' Night with a presentation about medical imaging and medical informatics technology on September 25, 2015. The members of the department attracted the visitors with spectacular slideshows and interesting puzzles.
2015-09-25 |