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In Memoriam Attila Kuba (1953-2006). THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):2-7.
Novel Visualization Approach of an Automated Image Based Glaucoma Risk Index for Intuitive Diagnosis. In: Jan J, Konzuplik J, Provazník I, editors. Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Brno: Brno University of Technology; 2008. 2. p. 205-209p.
On the number of hv-convex discrete sets. In: Brimkov VE, Barneva RP, Hauptman HA, editors. Combinatorial Image Analysis. Buffalo, NY, USA: Springer Verlag; 2008. 1. p. 112-123p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Parametric estimation of affine deformations of binary images. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE; 2008. 8. p. 889-892p.
Reconstruction of binary images with few disjoint components from two projections. In: Bebis G, Boyle R, Parvin B, Koracin D, Remagnino P, Porikli F et al., editors. Advances in Visual Computing. Las Vegas, NV, USA: Springer Verlag; 2008. 1. p. 1147-1156p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Segmentation of color images via reversible jump MCMC sampling. IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING. 2008;26(3):361-371.
Skeletonization based on metrical neighborhood sequences. In: Gasteratos A, Vincze M, Tsotsos JK, editors. Computer Vision Systems. Santorini, Greece: Springer Verlag; 2008. 3. p. 333-342p.
Study of the Inner Structure of a Damaged Control Rod by Neutron and X-ray Radiography and Discrete Tomography. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 2. p. 294-303p.
Systems and methods for segmenting an organ in a plurality of images. Vol US20040858241. Amerikai Egyesült Államok; 2008.
Techniques of Virtual Dissection of the Colon Based on Spiral CT Data. In: Neri E, Caramella D, Bartolozzi C, editors. Image Processing in Radiology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2008. 2. p. 257-268p.
3D segmentation of liver, kidneys and spleen from CT images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY. 2007;2(1 SUPPL.):S45-S47.
A 3-subiteration surface-thinning algorithm. In: Kropatsch WG, Kampel M, Hanbury A, editors. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Vienna, Austria: Springer Verlag; 2007. 6. p. 628-635p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhauser; 2007.
Appearance-based Approach to Extract an Age-related Biomarker from Retinal Images. In: Hornegger J, Mayr EW, Schookin S, Feußner H, Navab N, Gulyaev YV et al., editors. 3rd Russian-Bavarian Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering, Proceedings. Vol 1. Erlangen: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg; 2007. 1. p. 127-131p.
Binary Tomography Using Geometrical Priors: Uniqueness and Reconstruction Results. Szeged, Hungary: University of Szeged; 2007.
Classifying Glaucoma with Image-based Features from Fundus Photographs. In: Hamprecht FA, Schnorr C, Jähne B, editors. Pattern Recognition. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 2007. 3. p. 355-364p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Contour line thinning and multigrid generation of raster-based digital elevation models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE. 2007;21(1-2):71-82.
Decomposition Algorithms for Reconstructing Discrete Sets with Disjoint Components. In: Herman G T, Kuba A, editors. ADVANCES IN DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Cambridge: Birkhauser Boston; 2007. 1. p. 153-173p. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis).
A decomposition technique for reconstructing discrete sets from four projections. IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING. 2007;25(10):1609-1619.
Discrete Tomography Methods for Nondestructive Testing. In: Herman G T, Kuba A, editors. Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhauser; 2007. 3. p. 303-332p. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ).
Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance Based Glaucoma Classification. In: Kropatsch WG, Kampel M, Hanbury A, editors. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 2007. 1. p. 165-172p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Efficient Implementation of 3D Thinning Algorithms. In: Fazekas A, Hajdú A, editors. A Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társaságának konferenciája - KÉPAF 2007. Debrecen: Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társasága; 2007. 2. p. 266-274p.
Emission discrete tomography. In: Herman G T, Kuba A, editors. ADVANCES IN DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Cambridge: Birkhauser Boston; 2007. 3. p. 333-366p. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ).
Extraction of an Age-Related Biomarker From Retinal Images Using Appearance Based Approach. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2007;48(5):2167.